
As more people work flexibly from home or on the move, the workplace has become a distributed environment that can span the world.

You can now work anywhere, any time, on any device and, with tablets or smartphones, in particular, using whichever application suits you best. Communication networks keep you in touch with colleagues around the world, whether they are on the move or in corporate locations.

But communication does not automatically equate to collaboration. To become collaborative, all the messages and data flowing between devices needs to be managed and made available to people in a way that helps them do business.




    Area of Practice:

    • Premium WI-FI
    • Fibre Optics Network,
    • VoIP, IP Network System
    • Broadband Network System
    • Wired &Wireless Network System
    • Satellite Communication Systems

    The business benefits:

    • A single interface for communication services
    • A more secure, integrated and reliable infrastructure
    • High-definition video and audio conferencing solutions
    • Increased collaboration and decision-making for your business




    Our solutions:

    Audio and Web Conferencing: 

    Audio conferencing remains a very fast and effective tool for on-the-spot problem-solving.

    It’s available to everyone, easy to use and can be integrated with other desktop tools. That means that, for example, everyone at the conference can share documents and other visual materials and have them visible for discussion. This largely forgotten technology is the perfect complement to video and web communication.

    Web conferencing lets you meet with anyone, anywhere, in real-time. It combines desktop sharing through a web browser with phone conferencing and video. Instead of using a third-party service provider, you can run secure broadband conferencing in-house on your own IP platform.

    Global ICT will work with you to design an integrated audio and web conferencing solution that enables your employees to share their desktops and collaborate in real-time.



    Unified Communications:

    Unified communications are about harnessing the capabilities of powerful, IP-enabled communications technologies. We have a deep understanding of all the products available and we know how to integrate them for the benefit of your business—providing you with the secure and efficient communication tools you need to operate efficiently.

    The Logical is approach is to use advanced technologies to make collaboration simpler, not more complicated. It encompasses:

    • Audio
    • Video
    • Web conferencing
    • Instant messaging
    • Enterprise social networking
    • Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP)
    • Immersive video and presence capabilities


    What it means for you:
    We provide a secure, integrated and reliable communications infrastructure. It might be located on your premises, out-sourced, hosted or delivered as a service: whatever makes the most sense for your business. Over that infrastructure, we seamlessly merge email, voice and other communications services, and give you a single interface to access it all from.

    The possibilities for collaboration are almost endless.

    You can access voice messages in the email; dictate an email over the phone; begin a video conference call; and you can share, forward and manage all your messages in real-time. None of this is limited by location.

    As long as internet access is available, so are your communication and collaboration options.

    Broadband networks allow for high‒speed, large‒capacity communication and are setting the new standard for communications. Optical fibre networks serve as their basic infrastructure. Global ICT is participating in the development of broadband networks through a coherent system that encompasses design, construction and maintenance.

    Network safety based on extensive know-how and experience:
    A significant amount of engineering work we do is for the construction and maintenance of broadband networks. We assist in the construction of this highly reliable network by leveraging the extensive know-how and technical expertise we have gained over many years as a network constructor and the unique advantage of having a wide service area. With our premier engineering technology, we also support Japan’s communication infrastructure used in the event of earthquakes, flooding or other natural disasters to quickly recover communications and ensure safety and security.

    Telecommunications Solutions
    Today, the telecommunication industry stands at the threshold of yet another era of innovation that has been fuelled by the exponential growth of fixed and mobile communications. End-users increasingly demand greater connectivity and hassle-free services on the go, and more technologies are being developed to close the gap between the real and virtual worlds.

    The emergence of heterogeneous and true “service-oriented” platforms has created growth opportunities for the telecommunications industry, allowing service providers to introduce exciting and innovative services.

    Meeting the Needs of Service Providers
    Global ICT, together with our best-of-breed technology equipment providers, can fulfil the needs of your IT and telecommunication projects. Our services span across design, the supply of products, applications development, testing, commissioning, heterogeneous systems integration, support, training, and managed services.


      Solutions         Offerings
    Mobile Wireless Networks
    • Small Cells Solutions
    • Wireless Backhaul Solutions
    • Design Consultancy Services
    • Maintenance Support Services
    • Outdoor Cellular Infrastructure
    • In-Tunnel (rail & road) Cellular Infrastructure
    • Drive/Walk Tests for Cellular Networking Benchmarking
    • In-Building/In-Tunnel Trunked Radio Infrastructure (iDEN, TETRA)
    • In-Building Distributed Antenna System (iBDAS) for Cellular Network
    Operations Support System
    • Fault Management System
    • Network Monitoring System
    • Performance Management System
    • Trouble Ticket Management System
    • Customer Experience Management System
    IP Networks
    • SDN/NFV
    • IP Core Network
    • VPN and VPLS Solutions
    • Mobile Value Added Services (VAS)
    • Carrier and Metro Ethernet Solution
    • MPLS and Traffic Engineering Solution
    • Next-Generation Network/Converged Network Solutions
    Optical Networks  

    • DWDM Network
    • Network Management
    • Optical Transmission Network
    • Remote Fibre Monitoring System



    Trusted by World-Class Telecoms 

    Telecommunication operators and service providers face increasing pressures to constantly deliver innovative services at lower costs, and develop new business models that can grow average revenue per user. They need cutting-edge IT solutions to help them deliver differentiated services to remain competitive in a fast-evolving market.

    Global ICT, partners’ Telecommunication Industry Practice has helped the world’s leading telcos and service providers address those challenges and expand their global footprint. Our service offerings support:


    • Core and access
    • Telco Engineering
    • Operations support
    • Network transmission
    • Customer care and billing
    • Enterprise resource management
    • End-to-end network management
    • Mobile and wireless and intelligent networks

    Billing and Customer Care

    • Calling Cards
    • Contact/Call Centre
    • Internet Call Centre
    • Computer Telephony
    • Wholesale Pre-paid and Post-paid


    Enterprise Resource Management
    Enterprise resource management solutions equip enterprises with the capability to enhance operational efficiencies and business relationships across their value chain. NCS helps customers streamline their business processes and integrate these solutions to meet their unique business needs.

    Global ICT’s close partnerships with leading enterprise management software providers such as SAP and Oracle enable us to integrate solutions that support finance, payroll, human resource, and customer relationship management processes for our customers.


    Operations Support Systems (OSS)
    Global ICT with its partners implements OSS solutions to streamline and automate telecommunications processes in network management, fault management, service provisioning, activation, and assurance. Our workflow automation systems support the customer’s entire workflow from pre-sales, ordering, service provisioning to billing across different continents. Our solutions include:

    • Workflow Management
    • Submarine Cable Database
    • Fault Management System
    • Bandwidth Trading System


    Telco Engineering 
    Global ICT with its partners develops, implements, and manage infrastructure and engineering projects for telecommunications operators and service providers. Our domain expertise ranges from the transmission and switching systems to core and access networks, as well as mobile and wireless technology and IP-based switching or next-generation networks. Our solutions include:

    • Transmission & Switching
      • VPN, Satellite Earth Station, VSAT
      • ATM and FR Switch, SS7 Programmable Switch
      • IP Telephony, DCME. SDH Add/Drop Multiplexer, Digital X-Connect
    • Core and Access Systems
      • Value-Added Services
      • Digital Network, Remote Access Systems
      • Internet Security Firewall, Audio Bridge, Voice Mail Platform
      • Unified Messaging Systems, Cell Broadcast, SMS, Calling Card Platform
    • Mobile and Wireless Systems
      • 3G Infrastructure
      • Short Messaging Systems
      • Unified Messaging Systems
    • Intelligent Network Systems